HSE in Norsk Renewables

At Norsk Renewables, we have Health, Safety and Environment at the center of everything that we do and are committed to plans and solutions that will secure our partners and our asset.

We strive to establish HSE standards and systems that promote a healthy work environment, wherever we are, ensure personnel safety, manage environmental footprint and improve operational efficiency.

At the heart of our HSE - Zero harm

No personal injuries

No occupational illness

No harmful or unintended spills to the environment

Safety for all

Human safety and environmental protection are essentials facets at Norsk Renewables. In our unwavering commitment to excellence, we ensure strict implementation of our HSE values throughout our projects and in all phases of the assets, from planning to operations. We implement HSE management and reporting through our partners to ensure proper compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.

WWW – the Way We Work

We strive for continuous improvement

  • We are observant and learn from each-other
  • We search for the right solutions and share experiences
  • We go to work because we want to make a difference

We are considerate

  • We create a good working environmentWe consider the consequences before we act
  • We are compliant to laws and regulations
  • We contribute to sustainable development

We are enterprising

  • We know that our colleagues are an irreplaceable resource
  • We invest in health, safety, security and climate

We are responsible

  • We reduce climate emissions
  • We engage in each other’s safety
  • We always look for more efficient solutions
  • We dare to speak up
Zero harm to people, assets, environment and climate is a mutual responsibility!

Get in touch


Ingrid Sara Grimstad Amundsgård

EVP Sustainability, HSE, Communications & IR